An ADHD Life Coach helps individuals understand themselves and their ADHD brain, in order to evoke new awareness, insights, and growth to move toward a self-defined, future vision. Coaching is an effective, evidence-based support that offers education, evaluation and skill building for each individual's unique needs.
Clients experience new perspectives and design specific actions to close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. An ADHD Life Coach empowers clients to move their lives forward and find fulfillment, success, well-being, balance, and satisfaction.
As a partner, coaches support individuals to overcome barriers and navigate next steps toward living the life they want!
Coach: An initial planning session evaluates a person's satisfaction in all areas of life. A coach works with the client to identify where change is a priority. This roadmap enables a clear vision for what the client wants to focus on now, in order to move forward and empower transformation and change.
Therapist: The approaches vary and generally concentrate on healing emotional pain, dysfunction, and conflict within an individual or relationship. The focus is often on resolving difficulties from the past that hamper an individual's emotional functioning in the present. Coaching is present/future-focused.
Consultant: They are hired for their expertise. While consulting approaches vary, the consultant will generally identify "problems", advise corrective strategies, and sometimes implement the solutions. Coaches do not advise or provide solutions for their clients.
Mentor: A mentor is an expert who provides wisdom and guidance based on experience. The relationship focuses on relaying expertise for the benefit of the mentee. This support is typically within a specific professional industry.
Tutor: They offer academic support to increase understanding or performance. The tutor is the expert on the subject matter and drives the agenda. The Coaching process uses a client-driven agenda and relies on the client as the expert on their own life.
Friend: Friendships are valuable relationships that allow each person to receive and give support in a 50/50 fashion. Although coaches are encouraging, supportive, and fully invested in helping -- the client remains the sole-focus.
Multi-modal support for ADHDers may include support listed above, alternative therapies, medication and coaching. What scaffolding do you need?
Jen Kreiner is a Certified ADHD Life Coach trained by the International Coach Training (iACT) Center and accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). ICF is the governing body for upholding ethical principles and standards within the field of coaching. The iACTcenter is proud to be one of only a handful of ADHD Coach training programs to have received approval from the ICF. This approval is only awarded to programs that meet rigorous coach training standards. The iACT Center prepares coaches to be accredited by the ICF by instilling the core competencies and coaching skills necessary to be well-trained as a professional life coach armed with the perspective of how ADHD uniquely impacts clients.
I advise independent due diligence when hiring any professional services.
Yes, I offer online coaching sessions to accommodate individual clients' needs. The only requirements are a computer with a video camera and internet access. ZOOM is the platform where sessions are held, which is a downloaded application prior to your first session. If you are new to ZOOM, support will be provided to help you feel comfortable with a virtual connection. Flexibility and accessibility are important for everyone!
Coaching services are available to any individual experiencing impacts from their symptoms, regardless of a diagnosis or location. My certification is recognized internationally. I have worked with clients from North America to Singapore!
It is encouraged to schedule an initial, 20-minute Complimentary Consultation. This session holds a space to learn more about your current place in life, and answer any outstanding questions that you may have about the coaching process. It is also an opportunity for both the client and the coach to determine a sense of connection.
Before scheduling a Discovery Session and the Connection coaching package, you can book a one-time, 30 minute laser coaching session to understand how coaching works. Choose a topic where you feel stuck or notice a pattern that you would like to break in your life. The process can uncover what you need in a short session to build your confidence in moving forward with a partnership agreement.
After the complimentary consultation, an individual that wants to learn more about themselves and a coaching partnership can schedule a Discovery Session. The 90-minute ZOOM call will help increase the individuals awareness of where they want to impact change in their lives. From taking control of time management or prioritization, to seeing more satisfaction in their personal life -- this is where the roadmap is designed for our work together.
This more in-depth session establishes some foundational goals, and ensures that this is the right time in life to engage in coaching and most importantly, that Stone's Throw Coaching feels like a good fit for you. After this stand-alone session, you have the option to move forward and commit to a coaching package. Then you will be enrolled as a client.
Coaching is based on the idea of sustainable change. The client and coach maintain a partnership to determine where you want to be, challenges, and strengths on a journey that is rooted in commitment to the client-driven vision of future self. With that said, coaching packages are set up to be weekly sessions over the course of 1, 3 or 6 months. The coaching partnership is a relationship where the client's increased self-awareness and accumulated resources sustain forward momentum. The duration of the partnership is optional based on the client's interest and need for skill-building and action-oriented support to meet goals.
Each weekly coaching session is 45 minutes. The sessions are booked independently by the client according to their availability. A standing day/time can be selected or sessions can be held on varied days/times according to what works week to week. Offering flexibility is important to me! Life happens.
A coaching session opens with an opportunity to share updates, weekly wins, and challenges that the client is struggling with currently. Whatever is top of mind can be a topic to be coached on that session. Typically, it ties in to the roadmap created in the Discovery Session, but we partner on the current priority depending on what is brought to the session.
In the coaching process, the client gains clarity on patterns, pain points, connections and what they want and need to move forward. A coach never gives advice. The process creates a space for the client to increase self-awareness and reflect on AHA moments that make sense for them. Together small, actionable steps are defined, anticipated obstacles revealed and supports needed identified. Over time the motivations, values, strengths and goals are clear. What is wanted and needed understood. The client builds new skills and has tools to utilize based on the work that has been done. It is hard work and the outcome is transformational.
Insurance plans typically do not cover coaching. Out-of-pocket payment may be prohibitive for some people. To defray the cost of coaching services, consider working with the human resources department at your workplace. Employers may cover the expense of coaching services for employees that have challenges at work related to their ADHD when their diagnosis has been disclosed. Under federal ADA Accommodations, your employer is obligated to offer Reasonable Accommodations. Executive Function or Job Coaching may be an eligible accommodation request. Check out a downloadable proposal to support your request HERE.
Individuals may also be eligible to pay through their flexible spending accounts (FSAs) offered by their employers. FSAs are plans let you set aside pre-tax dollars for healthcare expenses not covered by your insurance (glasses, acupuncture, etc.) You can talk with your employer about setting up an account.
Payment plans are available for all coaching packages.
Coaching is evidence-based support that partners with you to identify and support overcoming challenges associated with ADHD. The commitment you make to yourself must be on your terms, according to your timeline.
Until then, connect to Stone's Throw Coaching for resources and insights to the ADHD experience. Start your journey to learn more about yourself, acceptance of ADHD impacts and how you can make major changes with small steps.